COLUMBIA, 9/5/11  (Beat Byte) --  To succinctly report citizen opinion in Columbia, the Heart Beat is running snippets from a 112-page 2011 survey commissioned by City Hall.   Percentages pertain only to persons who answered survey questions.
This time:  Bike lanes/paths lowest, infrastructure highest on list of citizen priorities, in order below.
1)    Maintaining City streets and infrastructure
2)    Protecting residents/businesses from crime
3)    Promoting economic development/job creation
4)    Managing stormwater runoff
5)    Minimizing congestion on City streets
6)    Preserving greenspace
7)    Preserving/protecting the environment
8)    Improving sidewalks and pedestrian walkways
9)    Ensuring that affordable housing is available
10)  Improving the visual attractiveness of the City
11)  Increasing resident participation in local govt
12)  Improving cooperation between the City & County
13)  Expanding public transportation services
14)  Adding biking lanes/paths


Turn that list upside down making maintaining streets and infastructure number 14 and protecting residents and businesses from crime number 13. Then put adding bike lanes and paths as number 1 with a star by it and you will have the priorities of our city government over the last 15 years in order. Exactly back liberal asswards of what taxpayers have been wanting.


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